Did you know that it can take up to 100 volunteers to put on one of our fishing events?
Volunteers are needed in the following categories
Set up- Volunteers are needed to help set things up with the event, including, tables, chairs & equipment.
Registration- We verify that our forms are completed and signed by both participants and their medical assistants. We would then provide the participant and medical assistant with a t-shirt and ask them to put it on immediately, as this helps us identify what everyone's role is at the event. From registrations, our participants move over to have a boat assigned to them, if a boat is available and they have indicated that they want to fish from a boat. If they wish to fish from a bank, they would move directly to be assigned a fishing assistant. After registration is over, our registration volunteers do an inventory of all the leftover shirts and supplies and load them up for the next event.
Fishing Assistant- The funnest job at the event! What does your day look like as a fishing asst? In the morning you will arrive get registered and given a volunteer bag (that will need to be returned to us at the end of the day). Once the participants make their way through the registration process they will be assigned a fishing assistant. At this point most participants will want to grab some breakfast which we would encourage you to do with them. After breakfast, head over to the equipment station to get everything you need for a fun day of fishing. Your bag that was given to you when you registered will contain the following- a fishing kit, extra hooks, a pair of needle nose pliers, a tape measure or ruler, a pen, plastic gloves, snacks and a form to keep track of all the fish that are caught. It should also contain some band aids and hand sanitizer. If there is anything that is missing please let the people at the equipment station know and they will get it for you. At the equipment station, you will be provided with a fishing pole and bait. While you are fishing make sure to record to take plenty of photos of the fun . After fishing, it's time for lunch with your new fishing buddy. During lunch, awards will be handed out to all participants. All participants will receive a medallion, awards will also be given for most fish caught, biggest fish and smallest fish. After the awards are handed out, it's time for a big group picture.
Once the event is over, please email the photos you took of the event to [email protected] or just tag us on Instagram @fhnbcentralohio
Photographer- If you are not a fisherman, but would still like to help be part of the action, we always need someone to walk around taking photos of the event.
Food Services- We need folks to help prepare and serve food.
Tear down- We will start tearing down the event, from an equipment standpoint as the boats start returning. We also need help tearing down tables and chairs and cleaning up. Volunteers that can only help with tear down should plan to arrive around 12:30.
Registration- We verify that our forms are completed and signed by both participants and their medical assistants. We would then provide the participant and medical assistant with a t-shirt and ask them to put it on immediately, as this helps us identify what everyone's role is at the event. From registrations, our participants move over to have a boat assigned to them, if a boat is available and they have indicated that they want to fish from a boat. If they wish to fish from a bank, they would move directly to be assigned a fishing assistant. After registration is over, our registration volunteers do an inventory of all the leftover shirts and supplies and load them up for the next event.
Fishing Assistant- The funnest job at the event! What does your day look like as a fishing asst? In the morning you will arrive get registered and given a volunteer bag (that will need to be returned to us at the end of the day). Once the participants make their way through the registration process they will be assigned a fishing assistant. At this point most participants will want to grab some breakfast which we would encourage you to do with them. After breakfast, head over to the equipment station to get everything you need for a fun day of fishing. Your bag that was given to you when you registered will contain the following- a fishing kit, extra hooks, a pair of needle nose pliers, a tape measure or ruler, a pen, plastic gloves, snacks and a form to keep track of all the fish that are caught. It should also contain some band aids and hand sanitizer. If there is anything that is missing please let the people at the equipment station know and they will get it for you. At the equipment station, you will be provided with a fishing pole and bait. While you are fishing make sure to record to take plenty of photos of the fun . After fishing, it's time for lunch with your new fishing buddy. During lunch, awards will be handed out to all participants. All participants will receive a medallion, awards will also be given for most fish caught, biggest fish and smallest fish. After the awards are handed out, it's time for a big group picture.
Once the event is over, please email the photos you took of the event to [email protected] or just tag us on Instagram @fhnbcentralohio
Photographer- If you are not a fisherman, but would still like to help be part of the action, we always need someone to walk around taking photos of the event.
Food Services- We need folks to help prepare and serve food.
Tear down- We will start tearing down the event, from an equipment standpoint as the boats start returning. We also need help tearing down tables and chairs and cleaning up. Volunteers that can only help with tear down should plan to arrive around 12:30.
Volunteer Forms- To be added to our Volunteer Master Email list, click here
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I know if my registration has been selected?
We will make every effort to contact all participants to let them know that they have been confirmed, if you have any questions please send an email to [email protected]
What time should I arrive? please refer to specific events for details
What do I need to bring? Volunteers should bring a cell phone, if you do not have a smart phone, we would like for volunteers to take some pictures, so please bring a camera if you can. Fishing assistants will be provided with all the basic fishing tackle needed, if you have any specials tackle that you would like to bring, feel free.
Participants should bring anything they would need out of medical necessity, including medications, supplies and or food. If you would like to bring and use your own fishing pole or tackle, feel free to. We encourage you to bring folding/ camping chairs as well.
How long does the event last? refer to specific events for details
Do I need a fishing license to participate in the event? You should never need a fishing license at a Fishing Has No Boundaries event.
Can we keep the fish? Although a fish fry sounds really amazing, all of our events are all catch and release.
Where are the events located? please refer to specific events for details
We will make every effort to contact all participants to let them know that they have been confirmed, if you have any questions please send an email to [email protected]
What time should I arrive? please refer to specific events for details
What do I need to bring? Volunteers should bring a cell phone, if you do not have a smart phone, we would like for volunteers to take some pictures, so please bring a camera if you can. Fishing assistants will be provided with all the basic fishing tackle needed, if you have any specials tackle that you would like to bring, feel free.
Participants should bring anything they would need out of medical necessity, including medications, supplies and or food. If you would like to bring and use your own fishing pole or tackle, feel free to. We encourage you to bring folding/ camping chairs as well.
How long does the event last? refer to specific events for details
Do I need a fishing license to participate in the event? You should never need a fishing license at a Fishing Has No Boundaries event.
Can we keep the fish? Although a fish fry sounds really amazing, all of our events are all catch and release.
Where are the events located? please refer to specific events for details